Another Fun Day in the Little Belts

Only about one quarter of a mile of trail had been broken, so the rest of the three miles were a bit slow going, sinking in knee-deep and sometimes deeper snow. Even longer snow shoes and added tails didn't keep us afloat today as the snow was so powdery, and no one had set a base yet. So we sure got our exercise for the day with only a three-mile hike.
We had planned to take the new trail, but it would have been too big of a slog as we sunk in up to our hips, so we did the established trail with a quick jaunt to the overlook first.
We got on trail around 10 and got back home around 2:30 after a stop at Bob's for sweet potato fries and sandwiches: notice that the fries come first.
All in all, it was a gorgeous day.
Who went: Gail and Katie