Gorgeous Canyons, Sunsets and Garbage Burgers Rule the Day

After we arrived at the starting place and put on our gear, we headed out toward the pictographs, following the river, enjoying the limestone caves cut into the cliffs on either side of the banks. However, the ice became too precarious to continue, Cathy fell through ice and snow, but luckily she had tall waterproof boots on. Tnen one of our hike leader created a large cracking boom with his footsteps where the canyon narrows, at which point, it was decided to turn around and not continue.
So we backtracked and then continued on to Yogo crossing, where motorized and non-motorized paths connect. This nice broad area in the sun provided a nice lunch spot. We then continued down Yogo creek and some decided to continue even further to where the road overlooks the river. Three headed back to the cars, not wanting to hike the extra mile. This extra part had many ups and downs with not much snow, so we ditched our snowshoes for part of it. However, there was one very icy section on a steep up- and then downhill. Those with yaktrax or other ice cleats were happy to have them.
Also during this last section, we can across a deer carcass just below a cliff. We surmised that a mountain lion had crouched above and jumped down on the unsuspecting deer as it traveled down the road to the river for water. Cathy had fun pretending it was her dinner.
Our real dinner included Garbage Burgers at the Oxen Yoke (the burgers have grilled onions, mushrooms, bacon and cheese plus jalapenos if you like). We were very surprised that such a small establishment could handle our large group of 15 plus the other four full tables and those sitting at the bar. Our food arrived quickly and all at once. Our waitress was able to keep up with our drink orders and "extras" that we requested.
On the way back to Great Falls, we were treated to a gorgeous sunset highlighting the Highwood mountains and Square Butte.
Who went: Sara, Gail, Cathy, Susan, Katie NOTE: Sara earned her way into the 100-Milers Club on this hike