Thunder, Lightning, Rainbows and Flowers
The first half of the hike was beautiful, with many biscuit root, Indian paintbrush, heart-leaved arnica and shooting stars among many other blooms dotting the meadows. We ate dinner standing up for fear of ticks on a beautiful outcropping of rocks that lent itself to 180 degree views along the Continental Divide trail.
As the clouds darkened and the rain threatened, we decided to turn around instead of continuing up the trail another half hour. And we did get a bit wet on the return trip, necessitating rain gear. However, as we arrived back at the trailhead, a full rainbow presented itself, putting a nice touch to the end of our hike. We arrived back in town by 9:30.
Who went: Beth, Mary W, Gail, Kathy M, Sue, Cynde (with daughter Emilee), Brenda, Katie, Susan