GIG 'girls' get interviewed by Missoulian outdoors reporter
We met the rest of the hikers who signed up for the Montana Wilderness Association hike at Chubbie's Diner in Augusta. On our way out to the trailhead, we encountered a "modern day" cowboy wrangling his cattle with an ATV. Times have changed!! What happened to wrangling cattle with horses??
As we continued on our way, we wondered if we were going to be able to use our snowshoes, because a lot of snow had melted on the prairie. However, once we arrived at the trailhead, there was plenty of snow to snowshoe. The hikers included people from Cascade, Great Falls, Choteau, and 2 men from Missoula- one of whom was a reporter for the Missoulian and the other was a photographer. They were doing a story for the upcoming Thursday's outdoor edition of the Missoulian. As we got our gear together, the brisk wind gave us the typical Rocky Mountain Front "welcome."
We donned our layers of clothing only to start stripping jackets as we hiked along the trail. We came across many different animal tracks. The photographer from Missoula thought they were wolf tracks (as you will see in my photos). We also saw elk tracks along the way. The hike was absolutely beautiful with bright blue skies and sunshine. Once we got to Devil's Glen, we stopped for lunch and many of us scrambled down to the water to take pictures of the crystal clear aqua-colored pools. After we arrived at the parking lot, the reporter asked several of us questions for his story, and the photographer asked for our names. Hey! We might be featured in the Missoulian!!
After our hike we stopped in Augusta and had a late lunch at the Buckhorn Bar. The burgers were delicious and were sure tasty after a long day of hiking.
Who went: Catherine and her husband, Ed, Susan, Lisa, Gail, and Kathy.